Information architecture.

"Every year, poor data quality costs organizations an average $12.9 million."Gartner.
"Research has shown that bad data is on average costing businesses 30 per cent or more of their revenue. Research firm Gartner has found that the average cost of poor data quality on businesses amounts to anywhere between $9.7 million and $14.2 million annually. At the macro level, bad data is estimated to cost the US more than $3 trillion per year. In other words, bad data is bad for business."Mike Davie, Entrepeneur Asia Pacific, 15 April 2019.
"Poor quality data costs the government, businesses, and society every single day. The DAMA Data Management Body of Knowledge states that estimates differ, but experts think that organisations spend between 10-30% of revenue on handling data quality issues."

Poor information and data design is one of the primary generators of superfluous effort, time, and cost in enterprise IT. It results in the requirement for more employees for a longer time just to deal with the difficulties of bad design.